Hype simulator
Hype simulator

hype simulator

Third party objects are now supported in the H145 Mission System.Add Firefighting missions based on real world wildfires & add a data query Landfill mission.Add Nearby Road Accident missions at hospitals and launchable from the library.Launch Scenario Editor, a graphical tool for building interactive scenarios for H145- Add manual hoist control & bindings, ability to set the hoist explicitly outside of a mission.Launch H145 Mission System, a framework for building interactive scenarios for H145.Launch Firefighter variant with functional bambi bucket and utility interior.Launch HEMS variant with new medical interior.Various cosmetic and functional bugfixes throughout the aircraft such as fixes to MFD visuals and aircraft textures.

hype simulator

  • Dual landing light is available for all variants.
  • Chin window plates are now selectable on some variants- Safety patches are now available for all variants (for aircraft storage).
  • #Hype simulator update#

    Avionics: Various performance improvements- Avionics: Airspeed, Vertical Speed and Heading rose will now update at a higher rate.Avionics: TDSSim and pms50 GTN750 are now swappable from the tablet Options page.Pilot heads now based on camera position.Engine startup smoke and fire VFX- Engine fire indications fire extinguishing system is implemented- Failures app, Sound Mixer app, H:Event Test app, new Equipment & Crew pages.Sound: Engine bladeslap, blade stall and Flight/Idle transition, cargo doors, switches, prime pumps- Some elements in the cockpit will now shake based on rotor condition.Add passengers and custom pilots for all variants (Asobo copilot option available).Flight Model: Vortex Ring State is back (avoid descent exceeding 500fpm when relative wind is less than 25kt).Flight Model: Big changes to inertia and feeling.

    Hype simulator